Tuesday, 9 December 2008


we are in now, and have been for just over a week. the broadband was connected today, so i hope to get some piccies up this week.


Great Escapist said...

Hurry up with the photos! Can't wait to see some more finished internal shots.

Frank said...

I'm not sure if I'm going to. It's now our home rather than a project.
Anyway, it's the holidays, and I'm tired.

Great Escapist said...

No worries. How are you finding it for warmth now you're in?

The wife and I are considering a Hebridean and we're hoping it might be possible to manage on just a woodburner and do away with the boiler altogether.

Frank said...

Just a wood burner in this house wouldn't be enough i think, because of the size. It's a long way from one end of the house to the other, and we've found that if the two radiators upstairs are completely off, those rooms eventually cool down, and the uderfloor heating won't provide enough heat to warm them. Also, the living area cools when it tries to do so.

We haven't actually had the woodburner on though, so i don't know.

I know someone nearby who is installing a woodburner, with a backboiler type arrangement, which will run radiators, so maybe that's an option?

But I suppose it depends on the level of comfort, heat wise that you want. We didn't set out to build an eco house, just a warm house, that we could have really warm if we want to. We certainly have that, and even with the snow outside, and -6 one night, the boiler is not constantly on. No where near it.

If you were looking at one of the small heb homes kits, and lived your life in the open space, only going into other rooms at night, then it could work I suppose. But with kids wanting to hide in their own rooms, with the doors shut, just one room heater wouldn't work.

Then there are Building Standards for heating......