Monday, 30 June 2008

Concrete poured

lets see if that looks squint, because it's dead level in the flesh, cement, erm....

apart from the step that is.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

after a rather heavy night, I was listing to one side when i took this, so although there is a slope from left to right, it's exaggerated by the photos.

either that or the world tilted on it's axis.

Foundations dug

site scraped and now foundations are dug out down to hard ground, which looks good. There is a step to be formed down from front to back, once this is done and the formation level whacked and cleaned out tommorrow, then the concrete and mesh will go in.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Site Scraped

so we have a scraped site. That means the vegetable matter and topsoil has been dug out.
We have a slope front to back which will need a step in the founds, which we will reinforce with steel mesh. thats the whole of the founds, not just the step.
The founds will have been dug out by now, but as I've had a beer, I'm not driving over to look. I was there during this lunchtime, so I'll spin over and take photos tommorrow.

it will be whacked on Monday, inspected by my supervising surveyor, and concrete poured. Will need to sit for three days, then blocks can be laid

Small issue with the position of the water main, but even though it's Saturday, my contractor has contacted Scottish Water and taken advice which we have acted on.

Friday, 27 June 2008


today was d day, the start of the build official. look at the shiny new digger!

Monday, 23 June 2008

hedge survival

I also reinspected my bushes today, and lo and behold, after my trimming, they are not dead.

I didnt kill them!

Grass again

I was looking at the grass again, and thinking about the pasture mix I was planning.

Looking at the photo above, hhmmmmm

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

oh aye, and look at these nutters

as an aside, i was at a car rally on sunday, what with it being fathers day, i went by myself.
lots of cars old and new, including an MG Midget just like the one I had, with the clothes peg in the same place. thanks to the nice old bloke who let me sit in it, not that he will be reading this, but....well....i should have stole it. apart from that my fav car was the escort mexico. very nice.

burning bushes

well i eventually managed to burn the pile of hawthorn bushes. you would think with a further education in fire related studies, I would have found this easy. but no. I think I was over exuberant, poured petrol on it, fitted in some matches and.......nothing
well, the petrol burned, but the bushes didn't, even when i squirted more petrol on.
of course, petrol burns quickly, so the wood dint get a chance to heat up and combust. idiot. diesel is better as it burns more slowly, and especially good if you soak something in it, then burn that at the base of the huge pile of bloody bushes.

all done now, was a good fire. Sorry for not filming it Colin.